360 Y-DROP
Broadcast urea at the V4 to V6 corn stage is an in-season application method that some growers use.
Some of our trials this season compare this system with 360 Y-DROP.
The three differences in these systems is N product form, timing and placement. The broadcast urea approach is to broadcast over the entire field (vs. precise placement next to the plant and is typically done in the V4-V6 growth stage.
The 360 Y-DROP system delivers UAN solution (and/other liquid fertilizer products) right next to the plant and is typically applied in the V8-V12 growth stage (when the plant uptake is the highest).
This particular study speaks for itself comparing the same rate of nitrogen in each of these system, but are different in timing and placement.
360 Y-DROP
A common practice is putting all nitrogen down prior to planting. But a base-plus approach gives growers the ability to put a modest base rate down and come back to apply the remaining N the crop needs mid-season. This allows us to save back the rest of our N fertilizer for when the
crop needs it most (V8-V12) and after we know more about what the yield potential is of that crop based on stand, environment - future and past.
This all helps us determine how big of an ear the plant planned for during the V6 and beyond growth stages.
We also recommend to measure - with 360 SOILSCAN - what is in the soil bank just before the side dress application to make a more educated decision on how much N is needed to finish the crop.
While not all of these plots used the measuring step, you will see the results of spoon-feeding the crop vs. putting all N out early and having it subject to loss.
360 Y-DROP
Growers who sidedress commonly use a sidedress tool bar with a coulter and place UAN in the center of the row. We tested many locations across the Corn Belt this year with this coulter practice vs. 360 Y-DROP. The differences between these two systems is mainly timing and placement.
360 Y-DROP on a self-propelled sprayer allows the grower to extend their window of application to the time when a corn plant is taking up the majority of N (V8-V12), while most coulter systems run in the V2-V6 growth stages.
The other key difference is placement. A traditional coulter places N in the middle of the row. The disadvantage is it may take the plant time to take-up N via the roots and potentially have more exposure to leaching before reaching the roots. In comparison, 360 Y-DROP places N right next to the base of the plant where it moves down into the soil and the roots.
Some plots looked at both timing and placement while other applied both systems at the same time and focused on placement only.
We are very encouraged by these results.
We also have a 360 Y-DROP system that replaces the coulter on the tool bar to allow a farmer to take advantage of the precision placement
on his sidedress bar.
360 Y-DROP
We have traditionally applied our crop protection products - fungicides, insecticides, foliar nutrients, etc. - from over the top of the crop.
The challenge is that with dense crop canopies, it can sometimes be difficult to get the product down deep in the canopy where that product is most beneficial. Some of the diseases we deal with start from the debris on the soil surface, starting at the bottom of the plant and working their way up, so getting coverage lower on the plant is beneficial.
Getting coverage on the ear leaf and above in corn or lower and inner part of the soybean stalk for many of these disease makes sense.
That's where 360 UNDERCOVER comes in.
360 UNDERCOVER mounts on the 360 Y-DROP riser and sprays from within the canopy out and up to get great coverage where you want it.
You can have up to four nozzles in the 360 UNDERCOVER unit to customize how you want to apply in your crop (corn, soybeans, cotton, wheat, surgarbeets, etc.). We are excited to share some of the great results we saw this year in the field, particularly in fields where these pests were in
the limiting factor.
There are a lot of ways to make mid-season N management decisions: modeling, in-season measurement, gut-feel. Ideally, no matter what option you use, you have your agronomist alongside you. In this trial, we put several different N recommendation options to the test in Tremont, Illinois.